Domain Renewal Group = Domain Registry of America
Anytime you get a letter in the mail about a domain renewal, make sure you understand who it is from and what will happen if you agree to what they offer. You may pay 2-3 times for your domain registration or you could even lose ownership under some conditions. Your current domain registrar probably will NOT be sending you postal mail since they have your email address. Most of these postal letters that come in the mail are more or less SCAMS to get people to agree to what they think is a renewal, but is in fact a high-priced TRANSFER to a company that may not be trustworthy. The fees are ALWAYS higher than the average domain renewal fee of $10 US per year.
We just received a letter from Domain Renewal Group about renewing (and transferring) our domain for $30 a year. $30 is what and a few other clueless, greedy registrars charge, but there is NO WAY anyone should be paying that much just to renew their domain. I thought the letter looked familiar and sure enough, when I dug deep enough I discovered it's the same Domain Registry of America with a new domain and website, but same old rip-off pricing and marketing materials that are designed to fool those that don't read closely and realize that they are not just renewing their domain at a higher rate, but that they are also agreeing to transfer their domain to Domain Renewal Group where it will stay until they transfer it away at some point.
To their credit, it says on the web site that the fee includes hosting, but any hosting plan where you have to pay extra to get email really sucks, in my opinion. $30 a year for domain renewal and hosting is pretty cheap, but you can get the same deal somewhere else and deal with a 100% honest company.
Anyway, the reason for this post is to warn people away from this scam. These guys have been doing this for years and I'm sure they fool many, many people. I just want to get the word out.
Names listed include eNom, Inc., Wild West Domains, Inc., BRANDON GRAY INTERNET SERVICES INC. (dba ""), and Domain Renewal Group
Domain Renewal Group
PO Box 4577
Markham, Ontario, L3R5M7
Domain Renewal Group
2316 Delaware Avenue, #266
Buffalo, New York
Main Phone (866) 434-0212
Fax (866) 434-0211
Customer Service (866) 434-0212
General Questions int (1-905-479-2533) support
Domain Registry of America
2316 Delaware Avenue, #266
Buffalo, New York
Domain Registry of America
56 Gloucester Road #526
London, England SW74UB
Domain Registry of America
189 Queen Street #209
Melbourne, 3000 Australia
7100 Warden Ave unit 8
Markham, ON
98007-3827, CA