Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Barack Obama's newest website illegal?

Domain Name News has some great coverage about Change.gov and some claims that are being made about Obama's use of the domain being wrong and possibly illegal.(Oh no!)

But what struck me after leaving a comment on the post is that there's a way for the Government to raise money, by opening up .gov domains for commercial use! Just imagine being the lucky owner of sex.gov! (Great name for an archive of past political scandals with an entire sub-domain for billclinton.sex.gov that would HAVE to be in blue.) 

I could see them charging $1k a year for .gov domain registrations, no problem.

I see that business.gov is taken, but the current owner is an IDIOT! The site has a PR8 and it's not being monetized!!! Sure, I know the government should not take advertising on it's sites, but what would the harm be in a few contextually-targeted ads?

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